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Root Recovery & ROM
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Think of it as a simple donation. For all the hard work, us developers put into providing root methods to your device!
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A phone that cannot charge cannot perform to our expectations and those expectations mean our device must be up and running all the time to keep our lives flowing. Repairing the port cover is made simple.
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Step one download this zip file and unzip
2 download odin installer
3. download the Samsung usb drivers
This is the fast version for the Detailed video click the link below
for the video with no pauses that shows even the download's to prove the authenticity. click below
Download stock firmware for 1000% faster downloads and paid subscription click link 2.
2. ... Now download your Samsung USB Driver's witch can be found in the link below. Your Download will start automatically or with in a few second's [DON'T CLICK ANYTHING] 3.
4. Download Odin-3 version 3.12.7 or the latest version the link is below witch will auto download this version to check for newer version's click link #5
Now you want to download the combination file that allow's you to downgrade your android version to kitkat the link is below. (Make sure to click the big green download button). (then select any mirror you want it does not matter). This is a Zip file witch will need to be extracted. If you have any problem's click link ( ) for start up guide video that gives step by step information.
Now move that file to your SD card or internal memory it does not matter. The only thing that matter's is that you extract that folder and move that folder into your internal storage. for a quick video on how to do this click the link below. 8. Coming Soon! From here you need to go to the file labeled ROOT witch is in the file you have extracted. Some of you may see that the Root Folder does not have Towl Root. If you are having this problem click the link below for The solution. 9. Coming Soon! Now install the following application's in this order. 1. SuperSU 2. Busy Box 3. Safestrap.APK Now you need to install Towlroot V2 and click make it Rain. you will have acquired root access and can now setup the following application's in the order as they appear below. 1. SuperSU 2. Busy Box 3. Safe Strap APK Go threw the setup process for each app or APK if you are unsure how to do this click below for a quick video. So the very last installation was Safe Strap APK. After you open it click install recovery wait for the download. Then click reboot to recovery now you will be booting into Twrp recovery. From Twrp you will have to go to install, find your micro SD card storage look for a gray folder called EMMC_Root_Boot-loader_Unlockxxxxxxxxxx click that and you will see 2 files that are blue click the file that would be the same as your stock firmware witch in my case is 6.0.1 so I clicked the 6_0_1 file. if you have problem's fast forward the video above to 6:18 seconds and watch. Okay so your phone should be rebooting now once this is finished you want to install 2 zip files by going to install and click the RRN 5.8.5 klte and letting it install the other one say's open Gapps and you will find it threw install section as well then swipe to begin process. Now you want to wipe Devlink Cache and reboot the phone witch can take up to 20min. Download SuperSU Version 2.82 this page also provides support for installation of this ROM or OS. 10. For a Custome Kernel subscribe and wait for my next video thank's.